Datos personales

Mi foto
Ginni; born 1994, random, sarcastic & unstructured chocolate lover. I write in English & Spanish, so use GoogleTranslate. Ciao★

miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

The best teddy bear ever.
'Nuff said.

lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

Hold me...
Don't ever let me go.
When I'm with you
I'll make every second count
Cuz I miss you
Whenever you're not around
When I kiss you
I still get butterflies years from now
I'll make every second count when I'm with you

domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010


Years pass, it's the same girl. She ages, but her colours remain as radiant as ever. The same person, the same mind, the same body, although there are differences...

She’s so...................................................................
and yet
she is not all that young.

The creases of her skin
the years

The gleam of her eyes

the Memories.

There's so much of her I do not know. What memories are in her mind? What do they contain that make her smile so? And why does it seem like she is waiting for something?
Or maybe someone...?

domingo, 14 de noviembre de 2010

tired of the same old story...

and it's just so frustrating to see how you waste your time with someone who only did you wrong...

♫ Sometimes I wish I could save you
And there're so many things that I want you to know
I wont give up till it's over
If it takes you forever I want you to know

That if you fall, stumble down
I'll pick you up off the ground
If you lose faith in you
I'll give you strength to pull through
Tell me you won't give up cause I'll be waiting if you fall
Oh you know I'll be there for you ♫

i don't understand it, i managed to pull away from that need, although i guess you could say that not entirely; i'm hopelessly in love with someone who can't be here for me no matter how much he wants to be.
but there's a frustration i feel that is overwhelming. i see people i care about, people who are my friends, who i want to see happy. i see them and talk to them and discover, they're hooked. they're desperate and they're miserable. why? because of someone else. someone who doesn't valour everything they have done.
there are even times that this person i love so dearly has another opportunity; a fresh start, another option. they waste it, ignore it.

AAA it's so frustrating!!!

why waste your time with that idiot?! S/HE'S NOT WORTH IT! you're so much more than this...hanging onto ever word they throw your way, listening to sad songs and crying over old photographs...

life goes on.

it hurts, sure, maybe there are times that you wish you could be caught up in that moment again, that floating happiness with the illusion that nothing can go wrong; that it's forever.
but those moments have passed.
everything passes; everything. one moment is not the same as the next. even if you do return to that place with that person, it's not gonna be the same, so quit your whining!!!
stop looking back
stop wishing
stop whining
stop wasting your time
look forward, cause there's gonna be more moments of floating happiness, there are!! that's what life's all about; passing of time, changing of moments. there are times where everything seems like absolute shit...it'll pass. there are times everything is perfect...it'll pass, too. you just gotta get up on your feet and reach those awesome moments of incredible-ness(?
but i'll tell you one thing;

you sure as hell aren't gonna get to them like this.

smile, there are people who love you&will always be there for you (:

song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScfQDcFYUvQ

martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

I'm not single, I'm not interested.

cómo me hartan esos que te persiguen, te buscan, te insisten y vos decis; em ok no. tengo anillo. tengo novio. no tengo ganas de boldear. y SIGUEN. BASTA. no estoy soltera, NO me interesa.


lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

rompo todo :D

todos giles, todos rompe bolas, todos fríos insoportables(?) bue estaba de re buen humor la mina :B son las 2 de la mañana debería estar recontra dormida y estoy despierta. porqué? porque me acostumbré en estos últimos 4 meses a despertarme a mas o menos esta hora por un mensaje de un cierto señor. cosas "turbias", cosas impactantes. la vida es un lío, hay que hacer lo mejor posible como para no caer en sus trampas, hay que aferrarse a algo o alguien como para no caer. de quién o de qué me aferro yo? de un amor que no debo sentir? de algún objeto o algún pensamiento tan efímero como un suspiro del viento? el mundo no es un lujo, lo desperdiciamos. la vida no es todo rainbows and roses (R) tenemos que pintarlo nosotros de color.
me quedé sin tinta, sin ganas, si querés. francamente no le encuentro el sentido de pintar algo que no quiere ser pintado por alguien como yo. entonces me guardo, me reservo, quién sabe por cuánto tiempo? quizás nunca le llegue mi color a la vida de otro como yo quiero.
en fin; todos petes♥